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提高民机舒适性需要各个系统的综合设计,但飞机制造成功后如果舒适性不满足要求再考虑改进舒适性,工作进行难度比较大,且未必能取得理想的效果,因此设计之初就要考虑民机客舱的舒适性。为解决此问题,设计之中选择特定的仿真软件对客舱的舒适性进行设计、评估及优化,这样舒适性设计可取得良好的设计方案,并可节约项目成本。基于此研究思路,介绍了利用VIRTOOLS软件对舱内舒适性进行设计研究的方法和思路。  相似文献   
本文介绍了采用先进的热塑性复合材料和热成形工艺制造直升机座舱地板吸能结构的技术经济可行性研究,并和热固性复合材料进行了对比分析。研究结果表明,热塑性复合材料地板结构试件的吸能性能优于热固性材料试件,并且当生产数量达到和超过一定值时,热塑性复合材料的成本——效率高于热固性材料。  相似文献   
空客针对龙骨梁主起舱门作动筒接头有可能产生裂纹的问题下发服务通告,提出需要对主起舱门作动筒接头进行无损检测。本文介绍了采用超声波仪器进行此检测的操作方法,并对操作中遇到的一些难点进行具体分析。  相似文献   
A large-scale high altitude environment simulation test cabin was developed to accurately control temperatures and pressures encountered at high altitudes. The system was developed to provide slope-tracking dynamic control of the temperature–pressure two-parameter and overcome the control difficulties inherent to a large inertia lag link with a complex control system which is composed of turbine refrigeration device, vacuum device and liquid nitrogen cooling device. The system includes multi-parameter decoupling of the cabin itself to avoid equipment damage of air refrigeration turbine caused by improper operation. Based on analysis of the dynamic characteristics and modeling for variations in temperature, pressure and rotation speed, an intelligent controller was implemented that includes decoupling and fuzzy arithmetic combined with an expert PID controller to control test parameters by decoupling and slope tracking control strategy. The control system employed centralized management in an open industrial ethernet architecture with an industrial computer at the core. The simulation and field debugging and running results show that this method can solve the problems of a poor anti-interference performance typical for a conventional PID and overshooting that can readily damage equipment. The steady-state characteristics meet the system requirements.  相似文献   
The structure and characteristics of a large multi-parameter environmental simulation cabin are introduced.Due to the diffculties of control methods and the easily damaged characteristics,control systems for the large multi-parameter environmental simulation cabin are diffcult to be controlled quickly and accurately with a classical PID algorithm.Considering the dynamic state characteristics of the environmental simulation test chamber,a lumped parameter model of the control system is established to accurately control the multiple parameters of the environmental chamber and a fuzzy control algorithm combined with expert-PID decision is introduced into the temperature,pressure,and rotation speed control systems.Both simulations and experimental results have shown that compared with classical PID control,this fuzzy-expert control method can decrease overshoot as well as enhance the capacity of anti-dynamic disturbance with robustness.It can also resolve the contradiction between rapidity and small overshoot,and is suitable for application in a large multi-parameter environmental simulation cabin control system.  相似文献   
针对波音737CL飞机模拟式座舱压力控制系统部件老龄化问题,提出部件预防性维修措施.减少因部件内部元器件老化造成的重复性故障,供业内同行参考。  相似文献   
飞机在运行过程中,舱门指示系统的正常工作是保障飞机安全和平稳运行的重要因素之一。本文通过对一起空客A320系列飞机客舱门指示故障的介绍,从故障现象、系统原理、排故过程等方面进行了分析和总结。  相似文献   
载人航天器密封舱以通风换热方式对舱内人员及其设备进行散热,控制舱内温度,利用冷凝干燥组件调节舱内湿度.针对某一处于独立飞行状态下、由返回舱和轨道舱组成的密封舱,采用数值模拟软件I-DEAS对其速度场、温度场以及湿度场进行了稳态数值分析,研究了密封舱内的温度分配和湿度分布,并对密封舱的温湿控制方案的合理性进行了评价.  相似文献   
返回舱再入过程密封舱气体泄漏计算研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为分析返回舱再入过程中密封舱漏孔内外压差,并对漏孔变流量充气过程进行研究,采用离散化分析方法将返回舱再入过程分成若干个阶段,针对容积为14 m~3的密封舱和面积为10 cm~2的漏孔,计算并获得了密封舱内外压差、漏孔质量流率、漏孔流速等参数在50~5 km范围内随高度下降的变化规律。结果表明:在高度5 km开伞时刻,漏孔质量流率达到最大值0.134 kg/s,舱内外压差趋近于最大值,约20 172 Pa;返回舱下降过程中漏孔流速在148.4~181.5 m/s之间,处于亚声速区;漏孔气体流速与漏孔面积大小无关,仅与漏孔内外压力及漏孔进口空气密度有关。以上研究结果可为密封舱结构强度设计、伞舱弹伞设计提供参考。  相似文献   
载人航天器密封舱内环境适宜航天员工作和生活,同时也给空间微生物提供了生长繁殖的有利条件。而空间微重力和电磁辐射等环境会加大空间微生物对材料的腐蚀能力。因此,必须对空间微生物防控技术进行体系化研究。文章从空间微生物菌种的采集和鉴定、空间环境下微生物对航天材料的腐蚀机理、载人航天材料抗菌涂层选择以及微生物控制技术等方面对微生物防控体系进行阐述,可以作为开展载人航天器空间微生物防控技术研究的参考。  相似文献   
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